Depending on where in Costa Rica you are looking to build it’s possible that land may need to be moved. In the municipality of Osa this is fairly common for any of the following reasons: to be used as filler, to create land terraces, or to create, improve or modify a road. When it’s necessary to move land you will be required to solicit a land moving permit from the municipality.
What does the land moving permit solicitation process consist of?
In order to solicit a land moving permit one must provide location information and characteristics of the lot (dimensions, address, coordinates, national registry number, cadastral plan number), purpose for which the land will be moved, and an estimate of the amount of land to be moved.
Requirements for obtaining the land moving permit
- Written solicitation and/or filled out form.
- Copy of the certified cadastral plan.
- Sketch of the project that shows the area where the land moving activity will take place.
- Indicate the location of the site on a cartographic sheet of paper 1:50000 (clearly show the coordinates).
- Provide a detailed description of the land movements to be carried out, the purpose for which the land will be moved, an estimate of the land volume that will be moved, and the real costs of the project. Also, one must indicate the exact location from which the material is being extracted.
- State the type of machinery to be used. It’s necessary to state if the work will be carried out with machinery owned by the individual soliciting the permit, in which case it is necessary to provide the original and a copy of the registration, and provide proof from the Costa Rican Social Insurance (Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social) that one has a valid occupational hazard insurance policy from the National Insurance Institute (Instituto Nacional de Seguros) and that the Worker – Employer fees are current. In the event that these are carried out by a third-party, it must be stated so and the third-party must demonstrate they have a valid registration as per article 1 of the Osa Municipal tax and tariff law.
Name and professional certificates of the individual responsible for the project (attach copy of the person’s identification). - In the event that the land movement activity involves the building of private access roads to parts of farms, or right of way to nestled estates or those with difficult access, or for the construction of bridges and runoff drains, it is necessary to provide the appropriate studies as laid out by the municipal use, management, and water and land conservation plan; and that the project has approval from the MAG and MINAE in relation to the management of run-off in an effort to minimize it.
- If necessary, provide a copy of the environmental viability resolution issued by SETENA.

Where to obtain the land moving permit
The land moving permit is solicited at Osa municipal government offices Ciudad Cortes. The offices are open Monday to Thursday 7:00am to 4:00pm and Friday from 7:00am to 3:00pm. Additional information is available on the Osa government’s website (website is in Spanish).
Additional information
Permitting information, instructions, and forms are available on the municipal government’s website.
To view the requirements PDF document in Spanish click here.
To view the land use permit PDF form in Spanish click here.
The Osa municipal government is also available to answer questions via their website, telephone, or in person. Assistance via Whatsapp messaging is also possible Monday to Thursday from 7:30am to 4:30pm and Friday from 7:30am to 3:30pm at the following number: +506 8633-7171