Obtaining a land use permit is one of the requirements for obtaining a construction permit in the municipality of Osa, Costa Rica. You must be able to provide a valid land use permit in order to obtain a construction permit, luckily the land use permit is not difficult to obtain.
What does land use refer to?
In general terms, land use refers to the modification of the natural environment by humans. For example, the land and natural environment are typically modified in preparation for use in agricultural activities as well as for establishing human settlements.
With regards to construction, the land use permit is utilized to comply with zoning and to regulate the type of construction that can be developed on a given lot. The goal with such regulation is to avoid conflicts and establish norms to protect the natural environment, particularly where water resources such as streams, rivers, lakes, marshes, etc. are present.
Requirements for obtaining a Land Use Permit
- Below are the seven requirements for the obtaining a land use permit in the municipality of Osa:
- Be current with municipal service and tax payments
- Complete the land use permit form
- Copy of the cadastral plan
- Copy of the land title or copy of the registered certification that is older than one month
- Copy of of both sides of personal identification of the individual soliciting the land use permit
- Copy of the corporate identification, if a corporation is involved
- Pay the inspection fee

Where to obtain the land use permit
The land use permit is solicited at the corresponding municipal government offices where the construction will take place. For construction projects taking place within the canton of Osa the permit needs to be solicited in Ciudad Cortes, Osa, Puntarenas. The offices are open Monday to Thursday 7:00am to 4:00pm and Friday from 7:00am to 3:00pm. Additional information is available on the Osa government’s website (website in Spanish).
Additional information
Permitting information, instructions, and forms are available on the municipal government’s website.
To view the requirements PDF document in Spanish click here.
To view the land use permit PDF form in Spanish click here.
The Osa municipal government is also available to answer questions via their website, telephone, or in person. Assistance via Whatsapp messaging is also possible Monday to Thursday from 7:30am to 4:30pm and Friday from 7:30am to 3:300pm at the following number: +506 8633-7171